I want to love Jesus so much that when I look up to Heaven and say, 'Dear Jesus, I love You,' He'll look down and say, 'Yes, Charles, I know it.' —Charles Spurgeon

When you pray, you talk to God; but when you read the Bible, God talks to you.—D.L. Moody

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Why Christians Shouldn't Drink Alcohol, part five

To start reading the series at the beginning, start here.

Drinking Steals the Future From You

"Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant."—Isaiah 56:12

You cannot go hog wild "this day" without having it negatively impact upon "to morrow." Alcohol promises things "more abundant", but its words are lies. If you give it place today, it will rob you of what you might have been in the future.


Obviously, the Bible says a lot about the consumption of alcohol. Its message is pretty clear to me. In a word, the word is don't. This report on the result of the consumption of alcohol in America is proof positive that all the Bible says about it is true.

If you have been drinking, let me urge you to set it aside, pour it all out, repent before God and admit it is a sin, and then follow the Lord's guidance into an alcohol-free life.

alcohol steals your future

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